
Kotozna laMondo: the Multilingual Chat Tool for Businesses Overcome Language Barriers

Kotozna laMondo provides global solutions for organizations of any size to assist in their business expansion. Prices start at 98 USD per month.

Tokyo, Japan – On September 8, 2022, Kotozna, Inc. launched “Kotozna laMondo”, a multilingual live chat service for businesses looking to go global by overcoming language barriers.

With the profound growth of e-commerce around the world, we envision retailers further engaging in cross-border online sales.

To help grow their business in this promising market, Kotozna laMondo provides cross translation of 109 languages at a monthly fee starting as low as 98 USD.

Kotozna laMondo has already been field tested with multiple businesses, and can be implemented with a low code. We hope to help businesses of every size expand their business globally.

・Kotozna laMondo Mission


Cross-border e-commerce is expanding while the demand for multilingual services for small to mid-sized businesses increases

With information flowing freely through social networks and other channels, shoppers are more aware of products and services sold overseas. However, shopping in an unfamiliar language has always been a hindrance to consumers.

Research has shown that over 70% of shoppers are more likely to purchase a product presented in their native language (1).

This is not for lack of effort on the businesses’ side.

Although a recent survey of US executives found that almost 40%of companies had missed business opportunities in the past five years due to lack of international competencies, more than a quarter of companies indicate that it is difficult to find US talent with the international knowledge, expertise, and language skills needed to manage global operations (2).




Kotozna laMondo, an automated live chat translation tool for businesses available in 109 languages.

Launched on September 8, Kotozna laMondo is easy to set-up, allowing for immediate use. Simply paste our code onto your e-commerce site or product page; the low code solution will then install a chat widget which provides the window for multilingual customer service.

When you receive an inquiry in a foreign language, the content will be automatically translated and displayed in your own native language. Simultaneous translation is executed in the background, so you will not see any time lag in the communication with your customers.

There is also an option to communicate via email outside of business hours using our email translation system. You will be able to receive the customer’s automatically translated message through the laMondo platform, and can send out a translated email response in return.

We supply our services in 109 languages, including English, Japanese and Chinese. We aim to assist all businesses of various sizes looking to expand globally. Prices start at 98USD per month.

▽Kotozna laMondo Features

  1. Automatic translation of chats in 109 languages
  2. Easy installation onto your website
  3. Flexible pricing plans available depending on usage rate


Inospire Solutions co-organized by DevLux Software Studio & Startup Ventures Pvt. Ltd (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

“(Kotozna) laMondo helps people to remove their language barrier, so I want to spread laMondo to numerous people over the globe and hope that numerous people use laMondo to communicate in their native language. Of course, easy to use and user-friendly features are required to use laMondo. So I expect laMondo launch with their best user-friendly features.”

Inospire Startup Solutions is a startup studio & accelerator program for all startups. Based in Ahmedabad, India and established in 2017, Inospire Solutions offers software development related services with a major focus on assigning a dedicated remote software engineer on a contractual basis over the globe. Inospire Solutions helps startup owners connect with startup mentors, Investors, and Capital Venture firms to fulfill their needs with the funding. A one-stop shop for all the startup needs.

What criticas are saying

Ramune Murayama, e-commerce specialist

The mindset of businesses is what holds them back when it comes to cross-border businesses. I would especially hope for small to mid-size businesses that tell themselves “too early to go global” to try out new digital tools such as Kotozna laMondo. These tools don’t require upfront investments and will help break down language and cultural barriers.

Sincerity does translate, even with automated translation. I hope businesses feel confident enough to communicate with people from other countries with technologies like Kotozna laMondo.

Ms. Murayama is a retail distribution advisor. She is on the board of several e-commerce businesses, and is the founder of StyleBiz. After working at Toshiba in the new business sector, she started her own website about direct sales, and has been in charge of e-life’s social network presence.

Greetings from the CEO

“Diminishing language barriers”. This has been Kotozna Inc.’s mission since its inception.

We are thrilled to launch “Kotozna laMondo”, a chat tool that allows for communication in any language, without barriers. This is especially useful for small to mid-size businesses looking to expand their customer base overseas.

Take for example Japanese small businesses. Many of these establishments are interested in expanding their market globally. They have started to build websites in other languages besides Japanese to entice clients. However, there are many issues at the point of contact such as customers not being able to understand the contact form, or the recipient not understanding the inquiry.

Kotozna laMondo fixes that. By just adding 1 low code to the company’s website, a chat button will be placed on the screen and will allow for auto-translated conversations with the client. The business chats in their own language, and so does the customer. The customer can leave their email address for auto-translated email communication as well.

Envisioning a world post-COVID, and with the fluctuating exchange rate, many business opportunities lie overseas. We hope Kotozna laMondo can be the catalyst to launch businesses into the global sphere.

Genri Goto, CEO, Kotozna Inc.

Product information

Product name : Kotozna laMondo

Price : USD 98 per month

To Subscribe :https://service.kotozna.com/lamondo/en/

Product Information

Free trial for 30 days

About Kotozna Inc.


Kotozna, Inc. has been providing solutions to overcome global language communication barriers utilizing artificial intelligence and innovative technology since 2016.

The company has been in Cohort 4 of the highly selective Singapore Tourism Accelerator program in 2021.

Prior to this, in 2020, Kotozna, Inc. teamed up with JTB, Japan’s largest travel agency, to provide multilingual communication tool “Kotozna In-room” (https://kotozna.com/in-room) to more than 200 hotels around Japan. The tool was praised for its ability to allow for social distancing and accelerating digital transformation in the accommodation industry, despite limited business opportunities due to COVID-19.

Kotozna, Inc. was also selected for” J-startup”, a startup development program promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan aiming to create 20 unicorns by 2023. The appointment came after the company’s development of Kotozna Chat, a multilingual chat tool that allows for instant messaging while simultaneously translating text to desired language, which was highly regarded.


世界との言葉の壁をなくす事業者向け多言語チャットツール『Kotozna laMondo』を提供開始


Kotozna株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 後藤玄利、以下Kotozna)は、2022年9月7日より、世界との言葉の壁をなくす事業者向けチャットツール『Kotozna laMondo』の提供を開始いたします。日本製品の海外での再注目や、直近の円安を背景に、日本から海外への「越境EC」に取り組む事業者はより一層増加していくことが予想されます。一方、コミュニケーションにおける『多言語対応』は依然として課題となっています。こうした事業者に対して、導入コストを抑えながら109言語の多言語対応を可能にするサービスを月額1万円から提供いたします。ローコードで簡単に導入でき、コーディング等の専門的な知識は不要です。既に複数社での実証実験を行っています。Kotoznaは、本製品の提供を通し、あらゆる業界や規模の事業者に対し、世界を見据えたビジネス拡大に貢献してまいります。






※1:経済産業省『令和2年度 産業経済研究委託事業(電子商取引に関する市場調査)報告書』(2021年7月)

※2:観光庁『多言語コールセンターの実態調査について』 (2018年3月)

・事業者向け多言語同時翻訳チャットツール『Kotozna laMondo』を提供開始。109言語に対応。

こうした多言語対応の課題を抱える事業者に対して、多言語同時翻訳チャットツール『Kotozna laMondo』を9月より、提供開始いたします。『Kotozna laMondo』は、企業のECサイトや製品ページに、配布されるローコードを貼り付けるだけで、チャットツールを埋め込み、入口のウィジェットを表示させることで、多言語でのチャットお問合せ窓口を設置できるサービスです。



▽『Kotozna laMondo』の特徴

  1. 世界109か国の言語のチャットを即座に翻訳してやりとりが可能
  2. 自社のウェブサイト上への設置が簡単(1つのコードを埋め込むだけ)
  3. ご利用規模に合わせて、フレキシブルな料金プランを提供
  4. 不在時の問い合わせには、自動多言語翻訳済みの返信メールを送ることも可能

・『Kotozna laMondo』実証実験を行った企業の声









●イノスパイア ソリューションズ様より

イノスパイア ソリューションズは、2017年創業の、インド・アフマダーバードに拠点を置くスタートアップ向けアクセラレータプログラムを提供する企業です。


As IaMondo (Kotonza) helps people to remove their language barrier so I want to spread IaMondo to numerous people over the globe and hope that numerous people use IaMondo to communicate in their native language. Of course, easy to use and user friendly features are required to use IaMondo. So I expect IaMondo launch with their best user friendly features.

・『Kotozna laMondo』で広がる可能性(流通アドバイザー・コラムニスト 村山らむね 氏より)


これまで「海外で売り出すのはまだ早い」と思っていた国内の中小事業者の方々も、初期投資がかからないKotozna laMondoといった最新のテクノロジーを活用して、ぜひ言葉や文化の壁を破るきっかけになればと思います。日本流の誠意あるコミュニケーションは、機械翻訳を通してもしっかり伝わります。Kotozna laMondo上でも、ぜひ海外の方と自信を持ってコミュニケーションをしていただきたいと思います。




・Kotozna株式会社代表 後藤玄利よりコメント

このたび、日本の中小企業が「言葉のカベ」なく海外とコミュニケーションを取るためのチャットツール『Kotozna laMondo』をリリースしました。


『Kotozna laMondo』はそのような「言葉のカベ」の課題を解消するためのチャットツールです。ローコードでホームページのコードに1行加えるだけで、企業のホームページ上にチャットを開始するボタンが自動生成されるため、コーディング等の専門的な知識は不要です。そこからチャットを開始すると海外の方は母国語で、日本側は日本語でチャットすることができます。不在の場合は、メールアドレスを残していただくと、翻訳済の多言語メールで言語を気にせずにやりとりできるようになります。
アフターコロナ、さらに為替が大きく変動する状況下で、多くの企業において海外からの需要を取り込む必要性が増大しています。世界に向けて一歩踏み出す中小企業のために『Kotozna laMondo』が「言葉のカベ」を解消して、成長を下支えする一助となれるよう、努めてまいります。


名称:Kotozna laMondo


Kotozna laMondo 製品サイト

